
You Have Taken The First Step To Improving Your Credit.

Our goal is to provide quality, extensive credit repair work that will guarantee customer satisfaction. To officially get started, there are just a few more steps you must take to Initiate your Back on Track Credit Development Experience.

Step 1:

Download your copy of the rebuilding guide

Please be sure to download your rebuilding guide and please be sure to download your rebuilding guide video below depending on the package that you have chosen. Please be sure that you have selected a credit monitoring provider and that you sign up so that we are able to pull your credit report to get the process completed and start helping you remove negative items from your credit report.

Step 2:

Credit Repair Solutions

You will receive an email from us directing you to your personal online portal to upload your documents. Your online portal will allow you to be able to see changes in your credit file and review the accounts that we are disputing on your behalf. Once you create a login and password to your personal portal, The portal is going to request your personal documents. Your Drivers Licence, Social Security Card and a utility bill. The system is going to ask you for a picture of your driver’s license but it will NOT ask you for a picture of your Social due to security reasons. When the system ask you to take a picture or upload a picture of your driver’s license be sure to take a picture of your driver’s license and your Social Security card TOGETHER.

The system will ask for a picture or upload of a bill as well. You may upload a utility bill, pay stub, W2 Car Insurance, Cell Phone Bill Or any bill except for a collection or an account we have to dispute.

The System Is also going to request your Identity IQ or Smart Credit Logins: If for some reason you cannot use Identity IQ Credit Monitoring Service You May Use Smart Credit

Please Be sure you have downloaded all of your digital products before clicking the button to Sign Up For Credit Monitoring.

Step 3:

Get Access To Your Online Portal

This allows you to see the changes in your credit file and review the accounts we are disputing on your behalf. First, create an account. Then when prompted, upload your personal documents:

You will receive an email providing access to complete this step.